Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso Live-Action Film's Trailer and Theme Song Released
Post Time: 06.03.2016 07:26 1 comments
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso Manga
The video trailer and second video of the live-action film adaptation of Naoshi Arakawa's Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso manga were released in the official website. The video featured the film's theme song, band Ikimono-gakari's "Last Scene."
The film will air in Japan on September 10.
The film's cast includes:
Kento Yamazaki as Kōsei Arima
Suzu Hirose as Kaori Miyazono
Anna (E-girls all-female pop group member) as Kōsei's childhood friend Tsubaki Sawabe
Taishi Nakagawa as Ryōta Watari
Rei Dan as Kōsei's mother Saki Arima
Yuka Itaya as Saki's colleague and Kōsei's guardian Hiroko Seto
Masahiro Komoto and Hirotaro Honda as unannounced roles
The film director is Takehiko Shinjō, who ever directed Boku no Hatsukoi wo Kimi ni Sasagu and Kiyoku Yawaku live-action romance film. Yukari Tatsui is in charge of the film's scripts. Ryo Yoshimata will compose the film's music.
The two characters are junior high school students in original manga but they will be second-year high school students in the film. Yamazaki and Hirose began practicing piano and violin about half a year before the start of filming.
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