Astro Boy: Tetsu...
Action, Mecha
Rank: 8621th
Shounen, Action
Rank: 8622th
Castle of Dawn
Action, Drama
Rank: 506th
Angel no Oka
Shoujo, Adventure
Rank: 9142th
Fushigi na Melmo
Adventure, Comedy
Rank: 7866th
Don Dracula
Comedy, Fantasy
Rank: 23020th
Magma Taishi
Rank: 9157th
Young Black Jack
Drama, Historical
Rank: 17937th
Marvelous Melmo
Action, Comedy
Rank: 8660th
Mitsume ga Tooru
Rank: 10452th
Lost World
Rank: 8661th
Tiger Books
Action, Adventure
Rank: 11991th
Hidamari no Ki
Action, Historical
Rank: 13017th
Shounen, Drama
Rank: 5086th
Shin Takarazima
Shounen, Adventure
Rank: 12509th
Ode to Kirihito
Drama, Mystery
Rank: 8672th
Grand Doll
Shounen, Sci-fi
Rank: 16765th
Jungle Taitei
Rank: 15872th
Microid S
Rank: 27872th
Yuusha Dan
Rank: 8176th