Zoku Sensei no O...
Shoujo, Drama
Rank: 5550th
As Long as the S...
Shoujo, Romance
Rank: 289th
Atashi ni Tsuite...
Rank: 2559th
Sweet II
Shoujo, Comedy
Rank: 2071th
Hot Gimmick
Rank: 77th
Tokyo Boys and G...
Rank: 1329th
So Bad!
Rank: 1590th
Seiten Taisei
Rank: 1355th
Toukyou Shounens...
Rank: 26704th
Snow White' 94
Rank: 4405th
Zannen Nagara Ch...
Rank: 16300th
Honey Hunt
Rank: 889th
Teacher's Pet
Rank: 664th
Oujisama no Kano...
Rank: 980th
5 Ji Kara 9 Ji M...
Rank: 10403rd