Manga News

Mashima Hiro To Launch Monthly Fairy Tail Magazine

Post Time: 03.31.2014 08:33 20 comments


Fairy Tail Manga:


 Mashima Hiro, the author of Fairy Tail, has made a few announcements that brand new Monthly Fairy Tail magazine will launch. The magazine will cost 2,980 yen about 30 USD, and will include a DVD containing four episodes of the Fairy Tail anime.


He will launch a new serious, tentatively titled Fairy Tail Zero. The story will revolve around the secret origin of the wild and wacky Fairy Tail guild. He also tweeted this image featuring Mavis.



As he will be doing both Fairy Tail and Fairy Tail Zero at the same time, Mashima admitted that he is gonna be in hell with all the work that he will be doing.

This new Magazine will also feature other spin-off mangas by other creators, including one about FT’s nudist ice mage, Gray. He has not yet announced when the new magazine will be released.

Tags: fairy tail Fairy Tail Zero magazine